Breaking Free




“Dr. Delon Radebaugh speaks truths in realistic, nontraditional fashions. In engaging palatable modes, she seizes the truths we all avoid, cultivates the truths we all ignore, and presents the truths we all crave.”   Evangelist Venita O’Hara

  • Have those closest to you turned and walked away?
  • Have you experienced intimate betrayal?
  • Have you watched your self-worth steadily decline?
  • Are you still bleeding from wounds of the past?
  • Have you struggled to forgive?
  • Are you asking, “Why?”
  • “Why did they hurt me?”
  • “Why did he leave me?”
  • “Why am I not enough?”
  • “Why should I forgive?”

Dr. Delon Radebaugh was carried in a shoe box to the doorstep of a woman with severe and progressing mental illness. Though Delon was loved, she was subjected to an atmosphere thick with abandonment, abuse, and betrayal. This caused many years of trauma and anger. It wasn’t until she sat at her dying mother’s bedside, that Delon discovered her path to healing.

In this raw dialogue, Delon has assembled an unbreakable circle of brave women determined to share their stories of rejection and betrayal. Together they provide an intimate glimpse into the bloody devastation that had them bound and their triumphant journey to healing and freedom.

For any woman who is battling emotional distress and damage, Delon’s compassionate and honest insight will help you break free!

Dr. Delon Radebaugh, Th.D., is relentless in her pursuit to strengthen and empower women to become active participants in their healing. As a speaker, instructor, and certified coach, she has shared her story and helped countless women develop the life skills of an overcomer. She is the founder of Exceeding Abundantly Ministries where she ministers through her inspirational blog SheVictory, evangelism, women’s conferences, books, and the infallible word of God!

Check out excerpts from my other books!

How long have you been here?

I arose early, but when I looked

around, you did not appear.

I sat at my desk, but wasn’t I alone,

completing mundane task?

I ate lunch at the far table, there was no sign of you.

When I picked my children up from school,

your reflection was not in the rearview.

When I cheered at my son’s soccer game,

I did not hear your voice.

When I set the table for dinner,

I did not invite you to join us.

When I prayed at night, I did not feel you near.

Tell me, Cancer, how long have you been here?


A Little Girl’s Journey: I Made It!

Dr. Delon Radebaugh

Copyright 2009

All rights reserved

I , of course, was still struggling with this whole thing.  No one at work knew we had been talking.  I didn’t dare say anything to my friends.  I mean, what would I say? “Oh girl yeah, I’m seeing the janitor.” Right.  I wasn’t about to take a chance on hearing it from them, so I convinced Benson to take me to lunch instead of the company potluck.  He agreed.  He said that he would love our first “date” to be just the two of us.  I felt so guilty, but I was relieved.

He took me out to a nice restaurant and spent the whole time paying attention to only me.  We laughed so hard neither of us could breathe.  We had so much in common.  Like me, he loved jazz music, but his favorite was gospel.  Like me, he loved soul food, but seafood was his favorite.  It was wonderful just sitting and talking.  I don’t know when it happened, but my heart started to listen to the sound of his voice.  I could hear tenderness.  Caring. And most of all,  his devotion to God.

We began to see more of each.  We talked on the phone sometimes until my battery went dead.  We took walks so long that we would forget where we parked the car.  We shared desserts at every meal.  He was the most incredible man I ever met.

Our wedding was so beautiful.  I leaned down and kissed my husband before God and our family.

Be careful what you pray for.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverb 3:6

“Careful What You Pray For”- The Storyteller’s Work In Progress: A Collection of Original Poems and Short Stories

Copyright 2010 Delon Radebaugh, Outskirts Press Publishing

All Rights Reserved

DISCLAIMER: SheVictory does not provide medical advice or assessments of any kind. Information presented is not offered as therapy nor counseling, and is therefore not responsible for actions taken by the reader. If you are experiencing a mental, physical, or emotional crisis, please call 911 or your medical care provider.