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Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.  Psalm 63:3

Dr. Delon Radebaugh

Evangelist Dr. Delon Radebaugh is the founder of Exceeding Abundantly Ministries where she offers hope and encouragement through teaching, workshops, music composition, and literary works.  She is the author of A Little Girl’s Journey: I Made It!, The Storyteller’s Work In Progress, Learning to Love Me More, I Am Divine, and Yes, I Can!

Dr. Radebaugh released her latest book September 2019.  Breaking Free is a poignant discussion of rejection, betrayal, and the victory yet to possess. If you have every wondered how you could have endured the hurt and pain of betrayal, but still feel trapped by the emotional scarring, this book is for you.  Find the peace you crave and the tools necessary to live in freedom.  Click Breaking Free to read more!

DISCLAIMER: SheVictory does not provide medical advice or assessments of any kind. Information presented is not offered as therapy nor counseling, and is therefore not responsible for actions taken by the reader. If you are experiencing a mental, physical, or emotional crisis, please call 911 or your medical care provider.