Father’s day is the day we set aside to give accolades and celebrate the wonderful fathers in our lives. Some do this with heartfelt posts on social media, some cook elaborate dinners, and some visit the cemetery. Let’s not forget those who are paralyzed in grief and unable to express any sentiments at all.

This is a special post! I want to introduce Michelle D. Alexander. Known by many as a preaching machine, Michelle is also the debut author of Grief-Stricken: My Emotional Journey. A Devotion of Truth and Hope! After the sudden loss of her father, Dr. H.A. Alexander, Michelle found herself struggling to cope. She had so many emotions that all seem to hit at once. In an effort to deal with the loss of her hero, she began to write.

It is a great honor to share with you a short excerpt from her book.

On September 14, 2017, my life changed. I experienced a sorrow I’ve never felt. The loss massive and the impact gut-wrenching. Words cannot adequately describe the depth of my pain. I have zero control over my emotions. At this moment, I am not capable of holding it together. I don’t even know what to do next. I wait for someone to tell me there’s been a mistake, and my dad is not gone. It doesn’t happen. In the most unthinkable agony, I sit and wonder if it will ever end. There seems to be a never-ending well of tears. I cry until I don’t even have the strength to lift my head. I hope God can hear my heart’s prayer through its shattered pieces… The road to healing is complicated, uncertain, and extremely frustrating, but you can survive! The light comes when we realize that though we’ve lost them, we don’t have to lose who they are to us. Michelle D. Alexander.

If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, I highly recommend reading this book. Every page is designed to give you a glimpse into her pain while being transparent and completely vulnerable. It is her candid testimony that will surely connect with the pain you are experiencing. You don’t have to go through this journey alone. In the pages of this book, you will find the word of God, prayer, freedom to grieve, and hope to move forward.

I am not sharing this because she is my friend. I have read this book and it truly spoke to the devastation I have felt in losing my mother. Here are a couple of reviews she has already received since recently publishing.

“Listen, Facebook, if you ever grieved or are grieving now for someone you loved, then I suggest you buy this book! I’m reading it now because I lost my sister 4 months ago, and my God, it is encouraging to know that you’re not alone and that everyone grieves differently. Reading this has allowed me to really look deep in my process. Get this book and you won’t be disappointed!” Candy Alonzo Jones

“Powerful. Amazing. Emotional. This book had me feeling a myriad of emotions. I cried, I got angry, I was sad, and then I was happy. 85 powerful pages. I could not put this book down.” Madalen J. Baptisi

I told you. This is one we need to read. Even if you are not dealing with grief, you know someone who is. This book will help you to better understand the tragedy that has occurred and how to be there in support.

If you’re in Denver next month, SheVictory will be attending a book signing with this dynamic author. Come out and support a woman with a heart for hurting people everywhere. More information below.

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

All quotes used with permission of author, Michelle D. Alexander, and are subject to copyright.

Book available at https://www.amazon.com/Grief-Stricken-Emotional-Journey-Devotion-Truth/dp/1644387468/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?crid=1TBN0NWH58W4Q&keywords=grief+stricken+devotional&qid=1560656357&s=gateway&sprefix=grief+stric%2Caps%2C360&sr=8-1-fkmr1

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