family Tag Archive

  • Helping During The Hard Days

    ****TRIGGER WARNING**** This blog is about loss and grief. Many people have a favorite holiday. When it gets close to that month, they start planning how they will celebrate. It doesn't have to

  • Little By Little.

    What kind of writer starts a new year with writer's block? I should be full of inspiration and what not, but my message for this blog is pretty simple. I am not making any resolutions to lose

  • What’s Your Story?

    As far back as I can remember, I have loved to read.  If I could get my hands on something to read, I'd sneak it in every chance I got.  Not much has changed.  Right now I'm in the middle of a

  • Can You Spare A Little Validation?

    A note, text, or call goes a long way.  It says "I'm thinking of you" "You're doing a great job" "My world is better because you are here". Validation - the recognition or affirmation that a person