The best thing happened to me yesterday, and I just have to share it with you! I was thinking about all that is going on, you know, the pandemic. I began to wonder how others are coping? How are you coping? I decided I would send a short email to let SheVictory subscribers know that I care.

I understand that people don’t have to be nice, and when they are, you shouldn’t take it for granted. I appreciate every person who reads, likes, shares, and engages with me. You could be doing anything else with your time. Even if you had nothing to do, that doesn’t mean you have to spend your time on me.

Anyway, I sent out the email to my subscriber list. I felt pretty good that I had taken the time to reach out. And here’s the painful good thing that happened. I received an unsubscribe notice. Ouch! Then another. Then another. It stung me, but I quickly realized that it’s okay. Who knows why they unsubscribed? It doesn’t have to be a bad thing for either of us. And, it doesn’t mean that either of us are bad people.

I decided not to dwell on them leaving, but to look forward to who is coming. Each time I saw that email come in, I took a deep breath, and thanked God. As it turns out, I’m not for everybody, but I am for somebody.

You may not have everyone around you that you’d like. You may even see people unsubscribing, but don’t forget what you have shared. Treasure the good times and hold them dear. Don’t let their decision dim your light. Wish them well, and mean it.

There’s a great big world out there and someone needs what you have. They need you. Get ready for the next subscriber, the next person who gets you. Get excited for the next smile you bring.

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV

Photo by Umut Kemal from FreeImages

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