Life Lessons Archive

  • Curse Breaker!

    What do you think of when you see or hear the word curse? Does it make you make cringe a little? Does it bring to mind images of spells and potions? My complicated upbringing makes me think of

  • Helping During The Hard Days

    ****TRIGGER WARNING**** This blog is about loss and grief. Many people have a favorite holiday. When it gets close to that month, they start planning how they will celebrate. It doesn't have to

  • Who’s Next?

    The best thing happened to me yesterday, and I just have to share it with you! I was thinking about all that is going on, you know, the pandemic. I began to wonder how others are coping? How are

  • Step One

    I have this crazy habit that I suppose can either be considered a flaw or an asset. It is possible that it's both, but I will let you be the judge. Call me weird, but I absolutely love to wrap

  • Chasing Hope

    It's been a minute! Yeah, I know. These last few weeks have been a crazy ride. I'm sure you can relate. I used to say, "if it ain't one thing it's another", but I don't even bother with that

  • I Can’t Breathe…

    Once again, here we are. Once again, I have to think about the safety of my children. No, it never goes away. Every day, I have to wonder if my son will be killed at a traffic stop. I have to

  • INFERTILITY: It’s Not A Bad Word!

    In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, I am sharing again a journey of resolve, tenacity, and strength. If your baby has taken wings, if you're still waiting to hold your baby, or if your

  • Kobe. I Missed Out.

    Kobe Bryant. I was stunned when I got the text. It was just so unbelievable. Over the week, the grief of the nation took over my timeline. It even hit my own family. My sons, his fans, were

  • White Space

    I'm the type of person who still loves greeting cards. When I buy them, I'm very careful about the one I choose. Of course, the occasion is important, but I pay close attention to the message

  • Unplugged and unbothered.

    Today I watched the Disney movie Frozen for the first time. It was really funny and cute. I loved the message of letting go of what others think. Without realizing it, I stumbled upon one of my