Kobe Bryant. I was stunned when I got the text. It was just so unbelievable. Over the week, the grief of the nation took over my timeline. It even hit my own family. My sons, his fans, were devastated at the loss of such a great athlete. Well, that’s what I thought.

I learned over the week that my son Jordan, shed real tears. His brothers cried with him. They understood Kobe as more than a ballplayer. They followed him close enough to see him as a father, a mentor, and a valuable person. They didn’t focus on his money or fame. They were proud of what he brought to the world. In his passing, the world spoke of his influence, his words of wisdom, and his love for his wife and family. I realized that I didn’t know much about him at all. His jersey hung on my son’s back. His face plastered their social media walls. Still, I was in shock when I heard Kobe speaking fluent Italian. I was in awe of the bond he had with this family. I cried when the people close to him cried. At one point, I intentionally stopped watching the coverage because it was too much for my own heart. It grabbed my own losses and spotlighted them afresh. I realized I missed out on Kobe. He meant more than basketball to so many. I was just watching the games.

Well, you probably know where I am going with this. There are some people we come in contact with, but never really value who they are. We see them as teachers, pastors, friends, coworkers, artists, athletes, and “just family”, but are we missing the value they bring to our small world? Are we taking the time to really see their good? I don’t want to miss out on the people God has placed in my view. I don’t want to lose them before I can hold on to them.

Wouldn’t it be sad to miss out on Jesus because we just weren’t paying attention? His name is on our church. His book is on our nightstand. Don’t miss out. Follow him closer. He’s a big deal!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

Featured Image: Red Basketball by Svilen Milev

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