Today I watched the Disney movie Frozen for the first time. It was really funny and cute. I loved the message of letting go of what others think. Without realizing it, I stumbled upon one of my maintenance goals for the coming year.

First, let me explain what I mean by maintenance goals. There are habits that I try to continuously work on; things like being positive, forgiving, and checking my perspective.

It’s almost my birthday, and every yet I set goals for myself for the coming year. Watching the movie today reminded me that I need to be aware of how much power I give the thoughts of others. I value the opinions of those whom I know love me, but I cannot allow anyone’s opinion to color how I see myself or my life. I have to unplug.

What is unplugging? It is when you disconnect your value from the assessment of people around you. It means you aren’t controlled or fueled by naysayers and critics. Not only must you unplug, but you have to be unbothered about being unplugged. It doesn‘t make you arrogant when you pull the plug on negativity, discouragement, or just plain ole narcissism.

Just like you can’t let the words of others stop you, their actions shouldn’t control your state of mind. Don’t let what people do bother you to the point that you live in a state of anxiety or frustration. I am making a decision to pay attention to the times that I allow others to tap into my peace and disconnect me. Some days, I miss the mark. On other days, I hit the nail on the head!

Remember, being unplugged and unbothered gives you the power to hope, dream, and grow!

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

Photo credit: Stephen Calsbeek

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