This has been quite a year! I’ve had some incredible highs and some devastating lows; as I’m sure you have.  In a perfect world, time would actually bring about maturity.  However, I have found that a year older doesn’t always mean a year wiser.  Well, let me speak for myself.  Growing isn’t always automatic.  When pain and disappointment sought me out, I had to make a conscious effort to not just go through, but to grow through.

I absolutely love my social media outlets.  I love being able to “see” my family and friends at the touch of a button.  When I see them succeeding, I can instantly celebrate.  When they’re hurting, I have an immediate and direct line to encourage and love on them.  Since I still write actual letters, social media can’t replace that, but it’s still pretty great!

Back to the growing stuff! Does anyone else ever get a little irritated that YOU have to grow?  “Be the bigger person” Ugh! Okay, maybe it’s just me.  Anyway, I have discovered  7 ways to be ALL THE WAY GROWN on social media when dealing with negativity, conflict, or just anything that brings me down.  Here goes:

7) What you post is a small representation of who you are.  Bottom line, be selective about what you share.

6) Don’t be a bully!  It’s ridiculous how many ADULTS use this space to send subliminal messages, or blast people.  Anyone can talk big and bad behind the screen, but we need to grow up and show our kids how being grown is done.  Show them how to communicate and resolve conflict.  Show them the power of compassion.  Or show them it’s okay to walk away.

5) Mama used to say “Don’t air your dirty laundry in public”!  In other words, when you’re dealing with conflict, broken friendships, or just negative people, don’t argue online.  Yes, it’s tempting, I know! I’ve want to go there too, but is that maturity? Nah, it just feels good for the moment.  In the end, you’ve come down to their level. Make a decision to be all the way grown; either sit down face to face, or let it go.

4) What happens in the house, stays in the house.  This goes for men and women.  If you and your significant other are having an argument, don’t blast each other online.  Not everyone on your timeline is there for support.  Some folks just love to see others hurt, beefing, and unhappy.  And for those who say it’s being fake, I have to disagree. It’s being grown. My business isn’t yours, unless I make it yours.

3) When you see a post that offends your very existence, think before you speak.  Ask yourself if your response is necessary.  Should you unfriend? Can you agree to disagree and still maintain your relationship? Should you pick up the phone and call?  Fools talk all the time, but a mature person doesn’t feel the need to always have an opinion. Besides, it’s their page and they can think/feel/post what they like.  When I find myself feeling some kind of way,  I like to utilize the feature that doesn’t get enough attention: SCROLL!

2) If you’re feeling like “This app is just a bunch of junk and mess”, remember, YOU accepted the people on your page.  The social media isn’t to blame, it’s the circle you chose.  Take the time to reevaluate the energy you allow to affect you.  You have complete control over who and what you deal with when you open your app.  Scroll. Unfollow.  Unfriend.  Block. It’s up to you.

1) Love and enjoy the people you have chosen.   We may not always have the time or means to travel, but we can show up for each other in an instant through social media!  Post your funny filters, goofy pictures, and happy stories.  Take the time to stop by and just say “You Matter”. Words have power.  Use your powers for good and not evil!

By the way, these work great in real life too!


And in this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement.  Philippians 1:9

Strengthen.  Heal.  Empower.




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