God, when are you coming?

When will it be my turn?

How do I know what you want from me?

Why am I here?

How long must I wait?

Questions are natural and nothing to be ashamed of.  You may not have all the answers, but you have THE SOLUTION to every problem.  His name is Jesus!


While talking to my 18yr daughter Hannah, she unloaded a ton of questions about God, predestination, salvation, and even death.  For two hours we searched the scriptures and each one lead us both to another question, so we searched some more.  The initial conversation was sparked by her thanking God for not letting her decisions at 14 impact her life at 18.  She realized that her thought process was no longer the same. What she thought was best for her then is not what is best now.  I was both surprised and relieved to hear her say that at 14 her view was limited by what she could understand at the time.


Our two hour quest for knowledge lead her to this final conclusion: “When I get to heaven, I got some questions for God!” I let her know that I’ve seen some things and come to understand the sovereignty of God.  He doesn’t have to tell me his business.  How he will move or how he will work things out isn’t my business.  If he gave me all the answers I wanted, I’d probably mess up my whole life.   This took us to Adam and Eve. Of course, my independent borderline-feminist daughter was livid with Adam! I was drawn to a component outside of his actions, outside of Eve. I began to examine the motive behind their choices.  The serpent deceptively offered them KNOWLEDGE that would make them equal with God.  In my opinion, that was the turning pointing for them both. It wasn’t when he saw the tree nor when he ate the fruit.  It was that brief time in between when Adam realized he had questions.  He didn’t know it all!

I allow myself to wonder and to even ask questions, but at this point my desire has somewhat changed.  When I get to heaven, I won’t be asking any questions.  I’ll just be grateful I made it! In the meantime, I must get into divine alignment with God. If I line up and trust God even if I don’t have the answers, one day I will grow to the place when I realize I need God more than I need the answers!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

Image Credit: Martin Lundgren



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