Most days I make a list of things that I need to get done. Today my list included working on a book trailer for my first children’s book, Luca and Billy’s Messy Morning. I started the day by researching the not so-fun self-publishing things like barcodes. Once I had my fill of that, I took a break and moved on to some shopping. Immediately when I returned home, I picked up where I left off. The book.

I worked until my hands felt dry and ashy. As I reached for my lotion, the lightweight container made me pause. I was sure that I had more lotion. In fact, I thought it was a brand new bottle. Apparently, I had been using it more often than I realized. Refusing to give up, I turned the bottle upside down and tapped it against my palm. Just as I expected, dollops of softness rolled out, and I rubbed it into my skin without another thought. Back to work I went.

After taking care of the technical book things, I began working on a new trailer. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hire a graphic artist or do it myself. The way my budget is setup, I decided to try my creative hand. I did my research and hesitantly got to work. I failed over and over. I’d get excited and then frustrated. Excited and then frustrated. After six hours, I succeeded! Not only did I create a piece of work that I’m proud of, I learned something about myself.

Just like that lotion, I had been pouring out and pouring out. I started off feeling refreshed, brand new even. Before I knew it, I was almost spent. Almost empty. When I made up my mind not to give up, I surprised myself. I learned no matter how much I pour out, I still have enough left to shine! Being almost out doesn’t matter.

We pour so much of ourselves into the hopes and dreams of others that we sometimes find ourselves tired and frustrated. It’s okay to push others to their promised land, but don’t stop there. Keep going to the places God has promised you!

No matter what you’re facing right now or how long you’ve been facing it, it’s not over. So what if you almost shut down? So what if you almost walked away? You’re still here and that makes you a force to be reckoned with! If you have to take a quick break to recharge, do it! If you fail, keep tapping your reserve. You still have enough to shine!

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 KJV

Image: Andrew Faulkner

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