Today I had the privilege of supporting a conference for widows and widowers. Pastor Eirz Scott is the founder of GIY (Greater In You) LIfe Coaching. While thankfully she has not lost her spouse, she has close friends who have. In these relationships, Pastor Scott has made it her mission to give her friends support, care, and compassion. She calls, texts, and visits them often. Out of these interactions, she saw a need that ignited a passion within her. “Widows and Widowers Conference: Your Purpose…Your Future” was birthed.

Before you decide this post doesn’t apply to you, know this: loss comes in many forms. While today we focused on the death of a spouse, there were others in the room who also had experienced loss. Some had lost their parents, grandparents, siblings, and the list goes on. However, death does not limit its reach to the physical realm. Marriages, friendships, careers, hopes, and dreams also pass away, and we grieve the loss.

On the drive home, I realized that what I received today must be shared. Pastor Scott, along with two transparent and dynamic speakers, threw out a lifeline to those sinking in grief. They spoke openly about life transition, and the pain that still lingers. Here are some key points I’d like to pass along.

  • “My purpose is far greater than my truth.” Your truth is that you have lost someone or something, but God still has a purpose for you. Your purpose must be fulfilled.
  • There is no time limit or way to grieve. We are all different and it is unfair to impose limits on one another. It will take as long as it takes. And that is okay!
  • “I’m human. I’m here.” Do not accept being pushed aside because your loved one is gone. YOU still matter.
  • It’s okay to say, “I’m not okay!”
  • Keep living! Make the decision to live on. You deserve it.
  • Allow yourself to grieve and allow God to walk you through it all.
  • When talking with someone who is grieving, watch your mouth. Don’t say just anything to get through the moment. Put your listening ears on and just be there for them.

You may not have been there today, but I know God had you in mind. We all suffer loss, but we can make it through that loss. With God on your side and friends who care, your purpose can still breathe. As the psalmist sang for us today, she shared a powerful declaration: Against all odds, still I rise.

Thank you, Pastor Scott for your passion and vision in an area that is often overlooked! Thank you, speakers, for sharing a glimpse into your most intimate pain and on-going resilience.

Strengthen. Heal. Empower.

For more information on upcoming events or to contact Pastor Eirz Scott, please see her information below.G

Pastor Eirz Scott, GIY Certified Life Coach

Post image by Sundeip Arora

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