Have you ever had to wait? When I was a little girl, it seemed like Thanksgiving dinner took forever! Mama would shop early and start cooking  on Wednesday.  I’d enter the kitchen and smell those sweet potatoes boiling and get so excited! I just knew this year would be different. I was convinced when it came out of the oven, that this was my year! This year she would give me a sliver of that pie! No waiting this year! I was wrong.  I had to wait.  But why?  She made four pies, and all I wanted was a taste!

I received a prophecy earlier this year concerning my writing.  Immediately I began to rejoice and cry because I had been wondering what’s next for me.  I knew that the word I received was from God. (Thank you Dr. Terry Lee).  Well I worked hard at developing this blog but stopped writing books.  It wasn’t intentional; I just got busy.  Each of my four children reached great milestones, all this year! Of course, I wanted to be right there celebrating with them.  Needless to say, my next book took a backseat and eventually ended up in the trunk!

Although I jotted down the prophecy, I realized that I was unsure of what to write.  I had been working on two subjects.  I didn’t want to write anyting without clear direction from God, so I began to pray for an answer. A word.  A sign.   Friends were asking when the next book would be out, but I refused to budge without Him!

Saturday, November 11th at 11:39am, He answered.  I was sitting at a prayer breakfast in the beautiful Missouri Athletic Club, enjoying the keynote speaker.  Her topic:  “Young Women Consecrated, Committed, and Confident!”  Strong and empowering! It was just what I personally needed to hear, but it wasn’t until she uttered the exact words of one my dueling subjects, that I knew God had answered my prayer.  Like Elizabeth hearing Mary’s greeting (Luke 1:41-44),  I felt the baby leap in my womb.  Tears welled up in my eyes, and I was enveloped in the warmth of His love for me.  Everyone in the room seem to disappear except for HIM.  All I could say was “THANK YOU!”

I don’t how long you’ve been praying or waiting, but I do know that you are not alone.  Joseph waited 13 years until his dream came to pass. David waited over 20 years to take the throne.  Hannah waited to conceive.  I just want to let you know that God is listening, and He will answer you.  It’s so important to pray with an expectation of being heard and answered.  God is not a fictional character in a book, but the Creator who is concerned about His masterpiece!

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.  1 Peter 5:7

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.  Jeremiah 29:12

Mama made me wait to enjoy her pie.  When Thanksgiving finally came, it was perfect! A masterpiece worth the wait.

Waiting can be tiring and honestly, discouraging, but focus on Him, not on what you’re waiting for.  Your time may be late in the midnight hour or 11:39am, but He will answer!

He is worth the wait!

Happy Thanksgiving!

SheVictory.  Strengthen.  Heal. Empower